
Showing posts from May, 2024

Cancer post 1

Having stage 4 (most likely uterine...results pending) cancer is about to become my whole personality for a while. Sorry about that! Or maybe not all that sorry? When I worked at Trader Joe's 14ish years ago, I had a man tell me he found out his cancer was terminal when I asked him how he was. I remember wondering why he was shopping and why he would share information with the 24 year old kid on register.  And then I was told I had cancer. I, of course, went food shopping. I could feel the earth sliding out from under me, and I wanted something normal.  When the cashier asked me how I was, I wanted to blurt out that I had cancer, but I stopped myself, because it seemed unfair to unload all of that onto someone who literally just wanted to finish their shift and go home. Throughout this whole process, I have been wishing I could just stop time. Just pause everything and breathe. Or sleep. Anything but think about the road that lies ahead. But life doesn't stop. I still have to e