
Showing posts from June, 2024

Cancer post 2

1 chemotherapy treatment down, 5 to go.  I got there at 7:30am and left at was a long day. Mostly uneventful aside from one incident where I was having trouble breathing and sweating so much! I had stomach cramping at the same time, so they stopped the chemo and gave me extra steroids and meds to stop the stomach cramps. After that it was smooth sailing for the most part. It was scary to feel like breathing was hard, but I was expecting worse than that, so I felt like I could roll with it.  I was told I should be trying to avoid sharing a bathroom or at least wiping down surfaces, so I feel a lot like a poison dart frog.  I don't have anything profound or insightful about the experience...I just have a bunch of questions.  I'm only 48 hours post chemo, and I'm wondering when the worst side effects will set in. And when I can expect to start feeling better. And whether all this is just a bandaid covering a bullet wound that will stay with me for the rest of my natur